Friday, 16 April 2010

New project takes shape... finally!

OK I have loads of updates today, however I will probably spread them over a number of postings as I am sooo busy at the moment.

OK, first off is that our new project PHOTOTEACH has finally reared its head. This is a collaboration between Kevin and I that we laid the groundwork for over the past year with a number of our Wedding Photography Workshops - however we have now moved this forward into an official business venture. Our website is not yet complete but taking shape nicely. Initially we are only going to offer three or four courses, but as we gear up and possibly bring more people on-board then we will really push the boat out - we already have heaps of ideas about what we want to do but they need to be bought online gradually. Please note this will not be affecting my wedding work at all - the two sit very comfortably next to each other.

So, pop over to the new website and take a look, like I said, its still early days but we have been asked to exhibit at Fords in Dagenham next week for their EDAP project (staff self improvement initiative) and will be offering a number of courses there - which will certainly get us a lot of exposure and hopefully business.

Jump to Phototeach Website

Dates for courses should be posted in the next few weeks.

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