Friday, 16 April 2010

Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd, Screamadelica - Primal Scream..

Abbey Road - The Beatles, Nevermind - Nirvana, Sgt Peppers - The Beatles, Born in the USA - Springsteen...

What have these all got in common? They are all classic albums memorable not only for their music, but also for their album covers. However, none of the above hold a candle to the musical extravaganza that is


Oh yes, I hear you laugh, but really this is possibly the finest example of album cover design I have ever found...

Ahem..  OK, this is actually one of my images that has been used in the US for this memorable compilation - I took the shots many years ago when I used to photograph bands - these guys signed a model release which allowed me to use the image on several Stock Photography sites. Using a website called `Tineye` you can actually trawl the internet looking for  images that you own to find out where they are being used (and if they are being used illegally) - it works pretty well and you can imagine my surprise when this little beauty popped up here on the Walmarts site. I feel it has all the makings of a classic album cover and fully expect it to feature in any future "100 best album cover" listings.. Remember, you saw it here first!

It is selling for a whopping $3.96, so might be worth me buying a copy just for the fun of it!

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