..to the rotten weather for Charl & Robs wedding, the following day was absolutely glorious and so we headed east across the Tamar bridge into Devon to meet another couple who are getting
married later this year for their pre-wedding photoshoot. This involved a trip down to the beach to grab some shots - it was marvellous weather, so much so I donned my specially embroidered Eyecandy speedos to frolic in the surf with Kevin (assistant) and grab some lovely shots of Helen & Alex - I just wish the weather had been like this the previous day. Now whilst my camera is pretty much sealed against the elements (water, sand etc) I actually ended up with quite a thick coating of salt on the front element of my lenses resulting in a rather pleasing soft focus effect - however its probably not very good for the glass so had to make sure they were properly cleaned when I got home. Therather uneventful journey home took us around four and a half hours - not bad considering my satnav took us on a magical mystery tour of the Devonshire countryside.
Attached a few shots from the beach.

Helen & Alex - July 2009
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